Accessible PDF document

I want to create an accessible PDF document.
The problem is that every element I use (SpanElement, ParagraphElement)
Always starts on the left side.
I want to have control over its position on the screen, meaning I want the SpanElement to be in the center or on the right.
Below is the code:
var document = new Document();
document.Direction = Aspose.Pdf.Direction.R2L;

        // Get Content for work with TaggedPdf
        ITaggedContent taggedContent = document.TaggedContent;
        var rootElement = taggedContent.RootElement;
        // Set Title and Language for Document
        taggedContent.SetTitle("טופס הסכמת לקוח למסירת נתוני אשראי לגביו לנותן אשראי");
        HeaderElement mainHeader = taggedContent.CreateHeaderElement();
        mainHeader.SetText("טופס הסכמת לקוח למסירת נתוני אשראי לגביו לנותן אשראי");
        var structureTextStateMainHeader = mainHeader.StructureTextState;
        structureTextStateMainHeader.Underline= true;
        SpanElement spanElement1 = taggedContent.CreateSpanElement();
        spanElement1.SetText("אלכס  alex");

        // Save Tagged Pdf Document


Would you please share an expected output PDF file as well so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

I don’t quite understand how I’m supposed to share a PDF if the desired result is when I make a PDF myself,
My goal in this question is simple, I want to know how spanElement1 was aligned to the right of the page and not to the left of the page (alignment)


We meant to ask if you were able to create such PDF (expected one) using Adobe Reader? We are afraid that achieving your requirements using API needs further investigation and if we have a sample PDF that shows the expected results, it would help in investigation process. Would you kindly please share whether you were able to create your required PDF using Adobe Reader where the SpanElement started from center or right on the Page? If so, please share that with us. We will log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.

Redaction_C100HEBFIX.pdf (98.5 KB)
Thanks for the quick response.
In my company, you decided to purchase your product.
I added the file we created in Adobe Reader (the file is accessible and checked for accessibility level).
This is how I want to create a PDF that is accessible and in every parameter can be replaced with other data.
Thinking of mentioning that there is also a check box that needs to be created.


Thanks for providing a sample document for our reference. An investigation task as PDFNET-52287 has been logged in our issue tracking system to further analyze this case. We will look into detail of the logged ticket and let you know as soon as it is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.