Accessing calculated value produced formula with MIN

Hi, I am having problems accessing calculated value from a cell with a formula with MIN in it.
Please advise,

Hi Alex,

Could you please elaborate your problem? What the formula? Could you please post related template file and sample code here? Thanks.

Please take a look at the attached test app.

Please try this fix.

Thanks, that worked.

Oops, I jumped the gun a bit. It works in my simple template, but when I add the real template, I get a NullPointer Exception in CalculateFormula().
Please see the attached.

Please try this fix.

Thanks, that fixed it.

Aspose.Excel is discontinued and replaced by Aspose.Cells that is much advanced and supports the latest features of MS Excel. You can work with all the formulas which are available in different spreadsheet handling softwares. Here is an example that demonstrates the working with formulas using Aspose.Cells.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

// Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

// Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

// Adding a value to "A1" cell

// Adding a value to "A2" cell

// Adding a SUM formula to "A4" cell
worksheet.Cells["A3"].Formula = "=MIN(A1:A2)";

// Calculating the results of formulas

// Get the calculated value of the cell
string value = worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value.ToString();

// Saving the Excel file

Refer to the following article for working with formulas:
Using Formulas or Functions to Process Data

The latest free trial version can be downloaded here to test the product features:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

A runnable solution is available here that can be used to test the new product features without any coding.