the ActiveX checkboxes disappear when I’m trying to save document in PDF. Standard (form field) checkboxes are working correctly.
Can you provide me some workaround for this problem ?
Thank you in advance
the ActiveX checkboxes disappear when I’m trying to save document in PDF. Standard (form field) checkboxes are working correctly.
Can you provide me some workaround for this problem ?
Thank you in advance
Thanks for your request. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed. This problem does not occur in .NET version of Aspose.Words. Currently we are working on synchronizing Java and .NET versions of Aspose.Words. Once we finish this work all functionality which is supported in, NET version will be supported in Java version. I will notify you as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards,
thank you for reply.
Can you provide me some code to replace activeX checkboxes with form field checkboxes ?
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately there is no way to replace ActiveX checkboxes with FromField checkboxes. You should just wait for the fix of the original issue. Please expect a reply before next hotfix (within 2-3 weeks). We might just fix the problem or provide you more information.
Best regards,
We are happy to inform you that the first auto-ported version of Aspose.Words for Java is ready. This version supports converting documents to PDF. You can get it from here.
Best regards,
Aspose.Words team