Ada complaince pdfs using Aspose


We are generating the pdfs using ssrs tool which are not ADA complaint but do we have any way to generate or create the pdfs using Aspose whcih are ADA complaince?


You can create an ADA Compliant (Tagged) PDF using Aspose.PDF. Please check working with tagged PDF section in the API documentation. In case you want to convert existing non-tagged PDF into tagged one, you can use below code snippet:

Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDoc2 = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
pdfDoc2.Convert(dataDir + "log.xml", PdfFormat.PDF_UA_1, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
pdfDoc2.Save(dataDir + "tagged.pdf");

Thank you Ali! Even after using the code which you mentioned we couldn’t get the ADA enabled pdf. Could you guide us? We used Aspose 24.1 version and we merged the pdfs using above code but still in adobe it is not passing ada checks and not readable by Jaws.


Can you please share the sample source PDF for our reference so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.