
I m trying to send html format in my placeholder and then generate a pdf and it s working as expected .
Now i want that what i send in html will be formated with the right size and format policy of the appropriate placeholder in my template .

I need your help please!
Don’t hesitate if you node more clarifications !

Thanks in advance.

Please share a sample working code project with us for investigation.
We will look into it and guide you accordingly.

Thanks for your reply!

Yes that’s the part of code that we implement when we insert html tags :slight_smile:

But now my objectif is not to set manually the policy in the style of balise html , but i want to set it in the code when i insertHtml (means that want to insert html with the font size that i have in the placeholder (MAIN_TEXT_BODY) mentionned in my document ) and send it to Aspose .



Please if you can reply as soon as possible as it’s quite urgent!

Thanks a lot!

I have this code as fillPlaceholder :

If i add this : `template.setAutomaticallyUpdateStyles(true);`  to the line 6 it will fix the issue ?

@oleg.subachev have you an idea how to fix it please ?

Anyone can reply please , the need is quite urgent !


This is Aspose.PDF Cloud support forum.
I don’t see anything related to Aspose.PDF Cloud in your code.
Please, can you clarify your Aspose.PDF Cloud related problem.

Ok can you suggest me the right Aspose module forum to share with please?

I m using Aspose.Words to generate pdf with aspose .

@MDAKNOU Your question is already answered in another your topic: