I have a question for you. I expect not to see annotation’s border when adding SquareAnnotation to pdf document. The reason for this is because my squareAnnotation.Border is null and squareAnnotation.Characteristics.Border is empty. So relying on this properties I expect not to get a border. But my output pdf still contains border.
Code sample is given below:
Document pdf = new Document(@"C:\input.pdf");
Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle rectangle = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(100, 500, 200, 600);
SquareAnnotation squareAnnotation = new SquareAnnotation(pdf.Pages[1], rectangle);
Console.WriteLine("Is border null? - {0}", squareAnnotation.Border == null);
Console.WriteLine("Is characteristics border null? - {0}", squareAnnotation.Characteristics.Border.IsEmpty);
Is this problem problem is on your side? Or if I missunderstood your API, how can I add an annotation without drawing it’s border?
input.zip (2.4 KB)
image.png (9.8 KB)