I have a formula that I need to add to all cells in a Range where the range is more than 1 cell.
I know you don't support VBA but this is how it is done in VBA and I need to replicate this with Aspose and c#.
Selection.FormulaArray = sFormula
Selection.Locked = True
Kindly create a string array and store all your formulas in it, Use Cells.ImportFormulaArray() method to import the array to the cells.
Thank you.
I need to insert the formula documented here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/136738/en-us
This formula to work properly you need to enter with “CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER”, otherwise it can not assess the range in the state.
I tried to enter the formula with the command ImportFormulaArray, but it is as if the formula were to be confirmed with the ENTER key instead of “CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER “.
This is my exact formula:
and this is how I entered in Aspose Cells:
sheet.Cells.ImportFormulaArray(New String() {”=SUM(IF(MOD(COLUMN(B14:AK14),3)=2,B14:AK14,0))”}, 13, 37)
Why is not working properly?
ps: my Aspose Cells version is
Thanks, this method works correctly