I have barcode images which I used Aspose Barcode to produce which I would like to add to the bottom of each pdf page. I used the following code to do it.
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(imgStream.ToArray()));
pageLocation.URX = pageLocation.LLX + image.Width;
PDFPage.AddImage(imgStream, pageLocation)
where pageLocation is the {PDF rectangle object defined by LLX,LLY, URX, URY coordinates
I would like to adjust dynamically the width of the pdf rectangle to match the width of the image width dimension. and I am not able to do it.
An attached screen shot shows what resulted.
The image width dimension is 926x58 pixels.
so when I added 926 to the rectangle LLX coordinate to set the URX, I am over 1000, resulting in it just shoots right off the page.
Is the URX coordinate of the rectangle in pixel ?
How do I make adjustment so I can accomplish this ?
Thank you.
aspose1.jpg (73.1 KB)
TotalPage10.png (231 Bytes)