Add Image Watermark

How to add Image watermark to PDF File using .NET Aspose.PDF? Not editable for user watermark. ImageStampoutput.pdf (305.9 KB)
I uploaded example of editable watermark. Is it possible to add this stamp and make it not accessible for user


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Can you please visit Add Image stamp article and share feedback with us.

I Already know how to add it. But Image can be delete using some pdf viewer. Here example result.pdf (1.0 MB). Can I some how make it not accessible for standard programs such as Acrobat or WPS Office?


I like to inform that we can add watermark artifact which can not be deleted by Acrobat (but it can be easy deleted by some tool which allows to operate with page contents including Aspose.PDF). We have already created ticket with ID PDFNET-47080 to provide support regarding this in our issue tracking system. This will be available in Aspose.PDF 20.3.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-47080) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.3.