Add Slide Methods Problem (version 2.6.1)


I have been using Aspose.Slides recently and I upgraded to version 2.6.1. I noticed a problem with the Add Slide methods on the presentation object (such as AddBodySlide, AddTitleSlide, etc.). Basically I am finding that when I add a "body" slide (or any type of slide using these methods), the Layout property on added slide object is "BlankSlide." In addition, the added slide object does not have any Placeholders (int the Placeholders collection) even though the AddBodySlide method should be creating two place holders - one for the title and one for the body of the slide.

Anyway, here is my code, it is pretty simple:

License license = new License();


string templateFile = @"C:\temp\bla.pot";

Presentation pres = new Presentation(templateFile);

Slide currentSlide = pres.AddBodySlide();

currentSlide..SlidePosition = pres.Slides.LastSlidePosition - 1;

At this point in the code, the currentSlide object has the Layout property set to "BlankSlide" and there are no placeholders in the Placeholders collection of the slide.

I don't think there is anything weird about the file that I am using to create the presentation with, but I could be wrong. I have attached it to this post.

The reason I believe this may be a bug is that in versions of Aspose.Slides 2.5.15 and previous do not seem to have this problem. It seems that the bug exists for every version after 2.5.15.

Please get back to me with any information or help. Thank you for your time,


Thank you for this information. This problem will be fixed asap.

The problem was fixed in the 2.6.2 version.