I’m using aspose.pdf version to set document info for a PDF file. And I met a problem, and this problem seems easier to reproduce with your sample code.
The code snippet as bellow
//specify document information
DocumentInfo docInfo = pdfDocument.Info;
docInfo.Keywords = “This is test ++ 未”;
//save output document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + “SetFileInfo_out.pdf”);
The problem is that, if the “Keywords” contains some Chinese word, like “未” , and also with special word “++”, then after saved the pdf, and open this pdf via Adobe Reader to check the Keywords, found that all of these special words “++” is missing!!
Can you explain and guide me how to resolve this issue?
We were able to reproduce the issue while using Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.5 and for the sake of correction, we have logged it as PDFNET-46407 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into details of the issue and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us little time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Can you provide any quick workarounds for this issue?
And i found that not only Chinese word, Some special words like " α β" i inserted from Microsoft word will trigger the same problem.
I am afraid that we cannot provide any workaround until the issue is investigated. As soon as we investigate the issue in details we will be able to provide any definite feedback.
Are you saving document as .pdf using Microsoft Word or Aspose.Words API? Would you please explain a bit more about this. We will also check the scenario from this perspective.
It’s not related with Microsoft Word or Aspose.Words API. The scenario is that our customer maybe will copy some content from somewhere, and our application will save these content into keywords property of PDF for some purpose via Aspose.PDF API. Then this issue will be raised if these content contained some special words. Any progress please let me know. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing details.
We will surely let you know as soon as additional updates are available regarding issue resolution.
Hello Asad
Hope you are doing well!
is there any updates available for this issue?
We really regret to inform that the earlier logged ticket could not get resolved due to other pending tasks in the queue. Nevertheless, its information has been updates accordingly and as soon as we make some progress towards its resolution, we will update you via this forum thread. We really apologize for the inconvenience.
Dear Asad
Can I know if there are any updates on this issue?
Best regards
The ticket is under the phase of the investigation and we are afraid that it is not yet resolved. However, your concerns have already been recorded and we will surely let you know once we have some news about ticket resolution ETA. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Hello Asad
Thanks for your prompt response. I just hope it could be resolved quickly as this issue existed for years.
Sure. We will definitely consider your concerns during ticket analysis and resolution process.
Dear Sir
Can I know if there is any update on this?
We are afraid that the ticket has not been yet resolved due to its complexity. We will inform you in this very thread as soon as it is resolved. We are sorry for the inconvenience.