Adding a drop down to entire column in a excel

I need to have a dropdown for the entire column in excel using Aspose.
I m using c# code and shapes.AddCombox to add a dropdown.

Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox comboBox = worksheet.Shapes.AddComboBox(1, 0, 2, 3, 22, 146);

comboBox.LinkedCell = “Sheet1!$C:$C”;
comboBox.InputRange = “Sheet1!N1:N109”;
comboBox.DropDownLines = 8;

Even if I have specified the entire range in LinkedCell, I m getting the combox in the first column alone. (Please refer Combox1 screenshot).
After selecting the value from the dropdown, the selectedindex value is appearing in the column header.Refer ComBox2 screenshot. I dont want the column header to change after selecting a value.
Please help herecomboBox1.JPG (27.1 KB)
comboBox2.JPG (63.3 KB)

You may please share the desired Excel file created by MS Excel for our reference. We will look into it and provide an alternative code using Aspose.Cells.

I am using the below code now, to create dropdown
//Get the validations collection
var validations = sheet.Validations;
//Create a new validation to the validations list
var validation = validations[validations.Add()];
//Set the validation type
validation.Type = Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.List;
//Set the operator
validation.Operator = OperatorType.Between;

            //Set the in cell drop down
            validation.InCellDropDown = true;
            //Set the formula1
            validation.Formula1 = "Sheet1!N1:N109";
            //Enable it to show error, you can turn it ON or OFF as desired
            validation.ShowError = true;
            //Set the alert type severity level
            validation.AlertStyle = ValidationAlertType.Warning;
            // Set the error title
            validation.ErrorTitle = "An invalid value was entered";
            //Set the error message
            validation.ErrorMessage = "Select a value from the list";

            //Specify the validation area A1:A15
            CellArea area;
            area.StartRow = 1;
            area.EndRow = 14;
            area.StartColumn = 2;
            area.EndColumn = 0;

            //Add the validation area

Problem here is I have added the dropdown values in ‘CoulmnN’ and in validation.Formula1 = “Sheet1!N1:N109”; i am assigning like this. When the sheet is download, I m not getting the values which are populated in ColumnN, instead it is displayed as Sheet1!N1:N109,
Problem 2 is I want to add the dropdown in cloumn C alone.
Please find the attached excel for (16.8 KB)


I checked your sample code with template file and found there is an error in your line of code:
validation.Formula1 = "Sheet1!N1:N109";
please change the line to:
validation.Formula1 = "=Sheet1!N1:N109"; //validation formula should always start with "=".

Here is the updated sample code that I used with your template file and it works fine. It adds List data validation type to cells range: C2"C15:
Sample code:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook("e:\\test2\\UserRoleMapping-2021-10-12-152445.xlsx");

            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            //Remove all the validations in the range A1:C15
            sheet.Validations.RemoveArea(CellArea.CreateCellArea("A1", "C15"));

            //Specify the validation area C2:C15
            CellArea area;
            area.StartRow = 1;
            area.EndRow = 14;
            area.StartColumn = 2;
            area.EndColumn = 2;
            //Get the validations collection
            var validations = sheet.Validations;
            //Create a new validation to the validations list
            var validation = validations[validations.Add(area)];
            //Set the validation type
            validation.Type = Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.List;
            //Set the operator
            validation.Operator = OperatorType.Between;

            //Set the in cell drop down
            validation.InCellDropDown = true;
            //Set the formula1
            validation.Formula1 = "=Sheet1!N1:N109";
            //Enable it to show error, you can turn it ON or OFF as desired
            validation.ShowError = true;
            //Set the alert type severity level
            validation.AlertStyle = ValidationAlertType.Warning;
            // Set the error title
            validation.ErrorTitle = "An invalid value was entered";
            //Set the error message
            validation.ErrorMessage = "Select a value from the list";


Let us know if you still have any issue or confusion.

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Thank you the solution. It is working perfectly.


Good to know that the suggested code segment works for your needs well. In the event of further queries or issue, feel free to write us back.