Adding a file-based hyperlink with a relative path


I am trying to add a hyperlink to a file that is in the same folder as the excel file. With the following results:

Worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add(1,1,1,1,"test.pdf") - DOESN'T WORK

Worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add(1,1,1,1,".\test.pdf") - DOESN'T WORK

Worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add(1,1,1,1,"..\Images\test.pdf") - WORKS

Worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add(1,1,1,1,"C:\test\Images\test.pdf") - WORKS

As far as I can tell, it only works if the path contains either a drive spec (C:\) or a '..' This however doesn't help when the file is in the same folder as you either want to have no path or start '.\', neither of which work.

p.s. I have read the post: <A href="</A> which has the same issue, and here you say to use '..', but I fail to see how this can be used to reference the current directory (instead it references the parent folder as would be expected).</P> <P>Thanks for your help,</P> <P> </P> <P>Chris</P>

Thank you, Chris.

Yes, the first two cases don't work now. I will support them in a few days.


I just wondered if you have any update on when this fix will be available as it has been more than a few days?



Yes, it’s supported now. Please try this attached fix. A public release will be available within 1-2 days.