Adding embedded Excel object to PowerPoint Slide: incorrect cell styles

Hi everyone!

I am trying to add excel workbook to a presentation (pres.Slides[0].Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame…). The workbook is successfully added, but some cells have wrong border or background colors.

I have tested this functionality with two versions of the Aspose.Sliders: - everything is correct (border and background colors are identical in the source excel file and the embedded excel) - colors are different

It looks like a regression.

You can download a small project which demonstrates the issue:

The project contains source Excel file (source.xlsx) and result PPTX files (result560.pptx, result1680.pptx). It needs to double click on embedded excel objects to see the differences.

To recreate pptx by please run Slides56 project.
To recreate pptx by please run Slides168 project.

Best regards,


I have observed the source file shared by you and have been able to observe the issue specified. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-39949 has been created in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue will be fixed.

Hi Adnan.Ahmad,

Thank you for the response!

Two additional questions:
Could you please provide rough estimation how many time this bug fixing can take?
Could you provide a most recent library which does not have this bug?

Best regards,


I have verified from our issue tracking system and have verified the issues status. The issues shared have been added recently and are awaiting investigation in waiting queue. We will share good news with you soon. I request for your patience.