Adding GetTotalItemsCount method to TgzReader class

Hello (3.8 KB)

The new method will return 4 total items count, but counting TgzReader : While ReadNextMessage will return 2.
I mean 2 contacts inside Emailed Contacts folder are not accessed using TgzReader.
No idea how to read those .meta files.


those contacts can be extracted using the ExportTo method.

Hello, thanks, ExportTo just saves all to the disk, not memory, and during this save process, no any events (happening to many other parts), informational or controlling events etc, such parts seem like an end-user software toy, not a flexible SDK!

Additionally, if we export those contacts we won’t be able to load into VCardContact, MapiContact etc, a special format:
Emailed (694 Bytes)

No idea if you will ever support such contact format or not, but if you’re certain of it, please let me know, so if it is negative, look for another code/sdk to parse such contact files:

{“date”:1562075807,“Path”:"/Emailed Contacts/",“metadata”:“d3:fldd5:email20:admin@zimbratest.com9:firstName5:admin8:fullName5:admine1:vi10ee”,“Ver”:10,“mod_metadata”:7863,“FlagStr”:"",“volume_id”:0,“unread”:0,“change_date”:1562075807,“mod_content”:7863,“flags”:0,“TagStr”:"",“type”:6,“size”:0,“sender”:“admin”,“TagNames”:"",“parent_id”:-1,“id”:263,“folder_id”:13,“index_id”:0,“imap_id”:263},

The issues mentioned above will be implemented in the previously created ticket “EMAILNET-40684” ticket.

The ExportTo method will convert all contacts to vcf format.