Adding header to already existing PDF Files


This mail is with respect to following post.

I have one question abou the above post and that is that whatever “Alep” was tring to do. Can we do that or not. I want to put header and footer on a pdf file that is already there. but using options like only on the First page (i.e. IsFirstPageOnly = true) and all other options. Pdf.Kit’s AddFooter or AddHeader method has no mean to supply the options. Please guide me in this case. please note :- We haven’t brought aspose as such but we are almost finalizing, this as product that we will use to convert and manipulate PDF. We are planning to buy Aspose.Total. So, we are using demo version.



Thank you very much for considering Aspose.

I’m afraid that I’m not very much clear about the requirement. Can you please elaborate your requirement a little bit?

We’re looking forward to help you out.