Adding Image to Diagram

How can I add Image to Diagram using .Net?
In aspose guides i found only about extracting and ect.


Thanks for contacting support.

Can you please share source file so that we may further investigate to help you out. Also please visit this thread link for more details. This will help you to achieve your requirements.

In what format this values? It’s not pixels. It would be greate if you tell me how to convert pixels to this format

double pinX = 2, pinY = 2, width = 4, hieght = 3;

That string was in link that you posted


These values specify the x and y coordinates of the shape pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page. In order to convert them into pixels, we will get back to you after investigating its feasibility.


As one-inch equals 72pt and when the resolution is 96dpi, one inch is 96px. Which means, if these values are multiplied by 96, then these will be in pixels e.g. addshape(1inch,...) means addshape(96px,....). We hope this helps.