Adding image to pdf (Docker)

I’m trying to add an Image that is a barcode (created using “Aspose.barcode”), to a pdf, everything works fine in local, the problem comes when I publish it on a Windows Container, the pdf is generated with the right size and all, but there isn’t the image in it, that’s the code:
using var generator = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.Code128, idOrderEntry);

generator.Parameters.Barcode.CodeTextParameters.Location = CodeLocation.Below;

// Genero il barcode
// Documentazione riguardante la dimensione
// Customize Barcode Appearance in C#|Documentation
generator.Parameters.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.Interpolation;
generator.Parameters.ImageHeight.Millimeters = 28;
generator.Parameters.ImageWidth.Millimeters = 54;
generator.Parameters.Barcode.Padding.Top.Millimeters = 1;
generator.Parameters.Barcode.Padding.Left.Millimeters = 4;
generator.Parameters.Barcode.Padding.Right.Millimeters = 4;
using Bitmap res = generator.GenerateBarCodeImage();
using MemoryStream imageMs = new();
res.Save(imageMs, ImageFormat.Png);

_logger.LogDebug(“MemoryStream del barcode dell’etichetta, {EtichettaBytes} Bytes”, imageMs.Length.ToString());

// Genero il pdf e ci inserisco il barcode
Document pdfDoc = new Document();

// Per impostare altezza e larghezza della pagina pdf converto i mm(millimetri), in Points (unità di misura usata dalle pagine pdf)
// 1mm = 2,83464 Points
double heightPoints = 2.83464 * 28;
double widthtPoints = 2.83464 * 54;
pdfDoc.Pages.First().SetPageSize(widthtPoints, heightPoints);
PdfFileMend mender = new PdfFileMend();

mender.AddImage(imageMs, 1, 0, 0, float.Parse(pdfDoc.Pages.First().PageInfo.Width.ToString()), float.Parse(pdfDoc.Pages.First().PageInfo.Height.ToString()));
// Creo un altro MemoryStream per salvarci il pdf
using MemoryStream pdfMs = new();

I need the base64 only.


Can you please uninstall Aspose.PDF for .NET and install Aspose.Pdf.Drawing for .NET Package instead? Please try this suggestion and let us know if this resolves the issue. In case it doesn’t, please share your docker file with us and generated output PDF. We will log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.