Adding more than one Cells.GridDesktop controls to Application?

Hi There,

for my application, I need to add three Griddesktop controls to my application, and to manage each of their worksheet independently. I tried to add a second Griddesktop control from toolbox into my application which causes an error message saying that "Failed to create component 'GridDesktop'...a reference to the component 'Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop' already exist in the project".

So my question is, can I add more than one GridDesktop control into my project, and if so how?




Well, we have tested adding 3 GridDesktop controls into an application; it works fine. I am using
Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop v2.0.2.2000. Which version of GridDesktop are you using? Please try the latest hotfix, you may get it by installing the Aspose.Cells for .NET installer:

Thank you.