Adding named destinations on a pdf

Hi there,

I have a requirement where I need to add named destinations to an existing pdf. I was able to use the following chunk of code that I found online to add the named destinations

private static void createPdfWithNamedDestinations()
Document pdf = new Document();
// Create document with 100 pages
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Page page = pdf.Pages.Add();
page.AddStamp(new Aspose.Pdf.TextStamp("Page " + i));
// Named destinations for every page
pdf.NamedDestinations.Add(“Page” + i, new XYZExplicitDestination(i, 0, 600, 0.5));
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
// Create outlines (two outlines for every page)
OutlineItemCollection item1 = new OutlineItemCollection(pdf.Outlines);
item1.Destination = new NamedDestination(pdf, “Page” + i);
item1.Title = "Page " + i + “(1)”;

            OutlineItemCollection item2 = new OutlineItemCollection(pdf.Outlines);
            item2.Destination = new NamedDestination(pdf, "Page" + i);
            item2.Title = "Page  " + i + "(2)";
        // Let's update on of the named destinations
        pdf.NamedDestinations["Page5"] = new XYZExplicitDestination(5, 0, 100, 2);

However, the issue is, when I open the saved pdf on Adobe Acrobat, I don’t see any nameddestinations created on the named destinations tab.
Attached is the generated pdf from this sample code.

Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.

Rashmi Dahal
result.pdf (16.1 KB)


Can you please open the attached file at your end and share the screenshot of the destination tab in Adobe Reader? result.pdf (15.0 KB)


When I open the result.pdf document on Adobe Acrobat, this is what I see(see attached screenshot). The destination tab is completely empty. Not only that, if I keep switching between bookmarks tab and destination tab, the pdf crashes.destinations-tab-on-result-pdf.PNG (11.9 KB)


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