Adding Office predefined bullets to paragraphs


I have been setting bullets to paragraphs, and as far as I’ve seen you can add numbered bullets and custom character (symbol) bullets, but I don’t see any obvious way to insert the predefined Office bullets (Arrow Bullets, Checkmark Bullets, etc).
Does Aspose support this?
I have tried different symbol charasters, but none of them gave me the bullets I usually see in Office.


With some tests that I’ve made, I saw that Office uses these characters to specify some of the bullets mentioned above:


However, when I use those as a symbol I get the exact character, not the Office symbol…
Perhaps I need to set sth else also…


Hi again.

It seems that I need to specify a font name “Wingdings” for the bullet font for this to work.
However, I can’t make it work even when I set it to “Wingdings”. :frowning:


Hi Kostas,

I like to share that the you can add the bullets with different symbols and that involve check mark and arrow bullets. All you need is to use the proper unicode decimal code for the bullet. Please try using the following sample code to serve the purpose. You can surf unicode for any symbol you want and add that as bullet symbol.

public static void testBullet()
//Creating a presenation instance
using (PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx())

//Accessing the first slide
SlideEx slide = pres.Slides[0];

//Adding and accessing Autoshape
int iShpId = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeTypeEx.Rectangle, 200, 200, 400, 200);
AutoShapeEx aShp = slide.Shapes[iShpId] as AutoShapeEx;

//Accessing the text frame of created autoshape
TextFrameEx txtFrm = aShp.TextFrame;

//Removing the default exisiting paragraph

//Creating a paragraph
ParagraphEx para = new ParagraphEx();

//Setting paragraph bullet style and symbol
para.ParagraphFormat.BulletType = BulletTypeEx.Symbol;
// para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar = Convert.ToChar(8226);

//Check mark
// para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar = Convert.ToChar(10003);
para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar = Convert.ToChar(10146);
// para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar = Convert.ToChar(10147);

//Setting paragraph text
para.Text = “Welcome to Aspose.Slides”;

//Setting bullet indent
para.ParagraphFormat.Indent = 25;

//Setting bullet color
para.ParagraphFormat.BulletColorFormat.ColorType = ColorTypeEx.RGB;
para.ParagraphFormat.BulletColor.Color = Color.Black;
para.ParagraphFormat.IsBulletHardColor = NullableBool.True; // set IsBulletHardColor to true to use own bullet color

//Setting Bullet Height
para.ParagraphFormat.BulletHeight = 100;

//Adding Paragraph to text frame

//Writing the presentation as a PPTX file
pres.Write(“d:\Aspose Data\Bullet.pptx”);


Many Thanks,