Adding radio buttons throws error

I’ve been able to add different form fields to a PDF (Aspose.PDF 19.5), except for RadioButtonFields. I copied different examples from the aspose git repo, but 1 throws an exception and I don’t see any radio buttons in my second sample:

Sample 1:

RadioButtonField field = new RadioButtonField(page);
field.Rect = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(40, 650, 100, 720);
field.PartialName = “MyRadio”;

RadioButtonOptionField opt1 = new RadioButtonOptionField();
opt1.Rect = new Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle(40, 650, 60, 670);
opt1.OptionName = “Option1”;
opt1.Border = new Border(opt1); <--------- Throws ‘Holder area not set’ exception
opt1.Border.Width = 1;
opt1.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

Sample 2:

RadioButtonField field = new RadioButtonField(page);
field.Rect = (a large rect);
field.PartialName = “MyRadio”;
RadioButtonOptionField opt = new RadioButtonOptionField();
opt.Rect = new Rectangle(a rect within field’s rect);
opt.MappingName = “enumValue”;
opt.OptionName = “enumLabel”;
(plus 2 more option fields…)

In Sample 2, I don’t see any radio buttons. I also can’t set its border without getting the same exception as in Sample 1.


Thank you for contacting support.

You may use below code snippet to add radiobuttons in your PDF documents.

Document doc = new Document();
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

RadioButtonField rb = new RadioButtonField(doc);
rb.PartialName = "YesNoOption";
doc.Form.Add(rb, 1);

RadioButtonOptionField rbo1 = new RadioButtonOptionField();
RadioButtonOptionField rbo2 = new RadioButtonOptionField();

rbo1.OptionName = "YES";
rbo2.OptionName = "NO";
rbo1.Width = 12;
rbo1.Height = 12;
rbo2.Width = 12;
rbo2.Height = 12;

rbo1.IsInLineParagraph = true;
rbo2.IsInLineParagraph = true;


rbo1.Caption = new TextFragment("YES");
rbo2.Caption = new TextFragment("NO");
rbo1.Border = new Border(rbo1);
rbo1.Border.Width = 1;
rbo1.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
rbo1.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
rbo1.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

rbo2.Border = new Border(rbo2);
rbo2.Border.Width = 1;
rbo2.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
rbo2.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
rbo2.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;


// Save the PDF file
doc.Save(dataDir + "Radio_19.6.pdf");

We hope this will be helpful. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.

Thank you - that worked. However, I’m trying to position the radio button group to a text fragment’s position and can’t quite figure out how to do that with the sample you provided. Setting the options’ rect like before makes them disappear. Is there a way to do that?



Thank you for your kind feedback.

To add the radio button at specific coordinates on a page, you may use a Table wrapper and set the Top and Leftproperty for setting position of RadioButtonField. We have devised below code snippet for your kind reference.

Document doc = new Document();
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Table table = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();

//Set position here
table.Left = 200;
table.Top = 300;

table.ColumnWidths = "120";
Aspose.Pdf.Row r1 = table.Rows.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Row r2 = table.Rows.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Cell c1 = r1.Cells.Add();
Aspose.Pdf.Cell c2 = r2.Cells.Add();

RadioButtonField rf = new RadioButtonField(page);
rf.PartialName = "radio";
doc.Form.Add(rf, 1);

RadioButtonOptionField opt1 = new RadioButtonOptionField();
RadioButtonOptionField opt2 = new RadioButtonOptionField();

opt1.OptionName = "Yes";
opt2.OptionName = "No";

opt1.Width = 15;
opt1.Height = 15;
opt2.Width = 15;
opt2.Height = 15;


opt1.Border = new Border(opt1);
opt1.Border.Width = 1;
opt1.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
opt1.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
opt1.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
opt1.Caption = new TextFragment("Yes");
opt2.Border = new Border(opt1);
opt2.Border.Width = 1;
opt2.Border.Style = BorderStyle.Solid;
opt2.Characteristics.Border = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
opt2.DefaultAppearance.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
opt2.Caption = new TextFragment("No");
doc.Save(dataDir + "TableRadio_19.6.pdf");

We hope this will be helpful. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.