Adding real Numbering in aspose generated word file using jrxml

We are generating word document from jxml using aspose words for jasperreports.
But I am not able to adding real numbering in combination of parent and child like below in jrxml.

  1. Test
    a. Test1
    b. Test2
    i). Test3
    ii). Test 4
  2. Test One

could anyone help me on that?.

@sathiyaraj If possible, could you please attach your input jrxml and expected output? We will check your documents and provide you more information.

@alexey.noskov I am not able to upload the files for your reference

@alexey.noskov i am trying to upload docx as well as jrxml file but it is throwing message like “Sorry, There was error an uploading that file: Please try again”.
may i know which file format will allow to upload?. Could you please guide me on this?.

@sathiyaraj You can zip and upload the files.

Hi @alexey.noskov Still we are not able to upload file in any manner. Need your support on this to upload it

@sathiyaraj You can zip and upload the files to google drive and share the link to download them here.

@alexey.noskov , since we are not able to upload the documents, can we share the documents through email? Can you please share your aspose email so that we can send the jrxml and sample document?

@sivawitu I sent my e-mail address via private message.

@alexey.noskov Please confirm if you have received the mail from Murugan Kamalakannan with the documents

@sivawitu Yes, thank you I have received the files. I will forward them to our Aspose.Words for Jasper Reports developer.

@alexey.noskov Please let us know if there is any update on this issue

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSJR-373

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hi @alexey.noskov any findings or update on our request?

@sivawitu Unfortunately, there are no news regarding the issue yet. We will keep you updated and let you know once there are news regarding it.

Hi @alexey.noskov Thanks for your update.

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I had gone through the below FAQ page in order to get more information about the paid support. All None of the links work and they redirect to the same page. Please let us know how to get paid support

@sivawitu Please contact our sales team in Aspose.Purchase forum. My colleagues from sales team will hep you with purchasing payed support subscription.


I created AWExporterParameter.ALLOW_HTML_LISTS and it help to render text field with tag li inside as word list

currentExporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.ALLOW_HTML_LISTS, true);

By default this parameter set to false for compatibility with older version

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSJR-373) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 24.6 update.