Adding row with merged cells problem


There is a problem with version Aspose.Cell 4.5.1:

I use template with merged cells and smart marker. (see attached sample "Template.xls")

After date populating the new rows have wrong merged cells. (see attached sample "Aspose_4.5.1_bad.xls")

The previous version was good (see attached sample "Aspose_4.4.0.34_good.xls")

Sample code:

Private XlsDesigner As Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner

Private mFileName As String

Private mSet As DataSet


XlsDesigner = New Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner




XlsDesigner.Save(mFileName , FileFormatType.Default)

Sample Date:

field1 field2 field3
1 469,03 553,45
1 474,58 560
1 469,03 553,45
1 474,58 560

Thanks, Evgeny


Please try the attached version, it work fine with it.

Following is my sample code using your template file.

Sample code:

DataTable dt = new DataTable("Rows");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("field1",typeof(double)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("field2", typeof(double)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("field3", typeof(double)));
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["field1"] = 1.000;
dr["field2"] = 469.03;
dr["field3"] = 553.45;

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["field1"] = 1.000;
dr["field2"] = 474.58;
dr["field3"] = 560.00;

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["field1"] = 1.000;
dr["field2"] = 469.03;
dr["field3"] = 553.45;

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["field1"] = 1.000;
dr["field2"] = 474.58;
dr["field3"] = 560.00;

WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner();

designer.Save(@"f:\test\mergedcells\out1_Template.xls", FileFormatType.Default);

Also, attached zipped archive contains the generated file.

Thank you.


Yes, merged cells with smart markers now OK, but merged cells without smart markers fall to pieces (see attached sample "Aspose_4.5.1.4_bad.xls")

Version 4.4 was good (see attached sample "Aspose_4.4.0.34_good.xls"))

Thanks, Evgeny


Thanks for providing us the template files.

Yes, I tested and found the issue with the merged cells (not having the smart markers) as they are not rendered as merged. We will fix it soon.

Thank you.


Please try this fix.

We have fixed this bug.


Aspose.merged.cells wars episode III:

Episode II was complete, but now we have the cells not in place (see "Aspose_4.5.1.7_bad.xls") .

As usual the previous version was good (see attached sample "Aspose_4.4.0.34_good.xls").

It is interesting that dll from episode I ( does not have this error also.

Thanks, Evgeny

Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for providing us the template files to demonstrate the issue,

We have found the issue and will figure it out soon.

Thank you.

Hi Engeny,

Please try this fix.

We have fixed this bug.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 6765) have been fixed in this update.

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