Adding Sub Accounts

I am trying to add an additional Sub Account via my profile.
Despite putting in a valid email address to add, the Add Sub Account button remains inactive.
This makes it impossible to work with colleagues.
Please advise.


Thanks for providing us details on your requirements.

I am moving your thread to respective forum where you will be assisted with your task accordingly.

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Please note that in order to add a sub-account, the email address provided must belong to an existing user within our forum system. Simply inputting a valid email address is not sufficient.

To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Account Settings > My Profile > Sub Accounts
  2. Input the email address of the intended sub-account user into the text box labelled as “Enter Email Address”.
  3. Click on the “Search” button to initiate the search for matching users within our forum system.
  4. Once the matching user is displayed in the “Choose user(s)” list, select it.
  5. After selecting the user from the list, the “Add Sub Account(s)” button will become active/enabled.
  6. Then proceed with adding the sub-account.
  7. Finally, click “Save Changes” button at the bottom of page.

Let us know if you may require any further assistance or have additional questions.

Thank you for your help on this, Awais. We followed your instructions and have resolved the issue.

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