Adding tags to pdf document

How can I add text in pdf document page and make it as accessibility tag
public void AddText(Page page, Rectangle rectangle, string text)
var textFragment = new TextFragment(text);
textFragment.TextState.RenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.Invisible;
textFragment.TextState.FontSize = CalcualteFontSize(text, textFragment.TextState.Font, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
textFragment.Position = new Position(rectangle.LLX, rectangle.LLY);
var textBuilder = new TextBuilder(page);

I am using this method.
if I use the tagged content of the document it is adding new page to file and add the tag to it.
Do you have any flow to solve this or add the tag and set the tag position Rectangle or any thing??
Any idea ? Thank’s

How can I add text in pdf document page and make it as accessibility tag
public void AddText(Page page, Rectangle rectangle, string text)
var textFragment = new TextFragment(text);
textFragment.TextState.RenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.Invisible;
textFragment.TextState.FontSize = CalcualteFontSize(text, textFragment.TextState.Font, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
textFragment.Position = new Position(rectangle.LLX, rectangle.LLY);
var textBuilder = new TextBuilder(page);

I am using this method.
if I use the tagged content of the document it is adding new page to file and add the tag to it.
Do you have any flow to solve this or add the tag and set the tag position Rectangle or any thing??
Any idea ? Thank’s

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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56074

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