Adding text to DWG file

All samples I found end with a PDF file.

But I just need to a text to DWF file rewriting it.

Is there a sample that shows this use case?

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I have observed your requirements and request you to please share the details of requirements on your end that you are looking in Aspose.CAD to offer you. We will investigate that further on our end to help you.

I need to add a simple water mark/stamp to DWG file.
A simple text like “This project was deprecated”.
I need a library because I have more than one million of files.


I have observed your requirements and suggest you to please visit this thread link for your convenience.

Thank you for the short answer, but this sample also generate a PDF file at the end. I need to generate a new DWG file. Is that possible?


I regret to share that at present the support for creating DWG file is not available in API. An issue with ID CADNET-70 has already been added in our issue tracking system to provide requested support. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the support will be available.