Addititional line break inserted with setHtmlString/setHeight

We are using Aspose.cells to create Excel and PDF reports.
In case large comment texts get inserted into our templates (using setHmtlString) we are enlarging the cell height (setHeight). In that case sometimes we see an additional line break inserted into the Excel version which results in an additional page break. In case of PDF output no additional line/page break is inserted and the content remains all on the same page.

Our developers have assembled a demo code to show this issue: (2.3 MB)

When running the demo the number of printing areas is shown:
Number of printing areas=1

After the demo has finished please open the generated pagebreakdemo.out.pdf and - in Excel - the pagebreakdemo.out.xlsx. Compare the PDF with the Excel print preview: While the PDF version fits on one page, the Excel version occupies two pages.

Best regards,


I installed your fonts first on my pc and then tried your scenario/case using your exact code with template XLSX file. It works fine and both output XLSX and PDF files are rendered in one page. I have attached the output files for your reference. (140.8 KB)

Thank you for your quick response.
On our side the Excel file pagebreakdemo.out.xlsx from your results in having a page break in the Excel print preview:
excel_print_preview.png (93.5 KB)


The Excel print preview may be different in different display settings of your environment.
Please change the display setting to 100% of your environment. Make sure that all the Excel windows are closed after changing display setting, and restart Excel.