Adobe Designer version supported by pdf.kit (java)

I would llike to know which version of Adobe Designer is now supported by pdf.kit (java). Thanks.


Hi Kenneth,

At present, Aspose.PDF.Kit supports Adobe Designer v7.0 and before.

Dear Kenneth,

Thanks for considering Aspose.Pdf.Kit for JAVA.

Honestly, we do not test Kit under every version of Designer. I would like explain this prolem from the point of Adobe version. CurrenttlyKit supports Adobe 6 - well, but full supporting for Adobe 7 + has not yet been implemented. Since Designer goes along with Adobe 7, which is compatible to the XFA specification, with Kit you can do:

- get value and/or type of a field

- set value of many kinds of fields, including: text field, radio box, check box, list and combo box

- paste image onto image field

- get field's full name through its short name (to be appended)

These Kit functions are valid for Adobe 6- but not for Designer (Adobe 7):

- flatten (partial and flatten all)

- visual attributes changing (color, border, size, position,......)

- paste image onto common push button field

- setSubmitBtnUrl

- data source import/export ( XML, FDF, XFDF)

- copy & add fields

- .......

Please refer to our API. Any other question is welcomed.

Best regards.

Im trying to use Aspose.pdf.kit (.net). I have a form designed in acrobat designer 7.0. So when I fill up the pdf using the tool kit and flatten or set a privilage, the form does not persist the values I entered. So what is going on with this? Do we have a solution fort his problem. If Aspose does not support designer 7.0, what other tools do you recommend to design my form with. Its a complicated form. Im attaching the pdf form I designed with Acrobat Designer 7.0.

Thank you,

Dear Akash,

Full name is needed when processing fields in Adobe 7 XFA. The full name is a hierachical name like form1[0].#subform[0].TextField1[0] which is different from the old short name. It seems you have not use full name when using FlattenField() method. It is strange that we can't get the full name directly in the document. We have added new method GetFullFieldName() which supports getting full name from short name. The FlattenField() method is also modified to automatically recognise different versions of Pdf. The new features will be published in the new version. We might need several days to finish the task. Please be patient. Thanks.