After conversion to PDF Author, Title and Subject is "Aspose"


if we convert a HTML file to PDF, Title, Subject and Author is “Apose”.
Why? :slight_smile:

Is this behavior only in case of HTML => PDF or in other cases too?

Example.pdf (224,8 KB)

Kind Regards,


These are the default values set by the API in the properties of the generated PDF document unless you change them in the code like below:

using (var stream = CreateStream(dataDir + "0.AcroX.pdf", FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    using (var pdfDocument = new Document(stream))
        pdfDocument.Info.Keywords = "Sample Keyword";
        pdfDocument.Info.Creator = "Custom Creator";
        pdfDocument.Info.Producer = "Custom Producer";


thanks for the Info.

But if i convert a Word or Powerpoint, these values are empty, not “Aspose”.
Is it possible, that the author and other values will be taken from the original document?

Kind Regards,


If you are converting a PDF document into Word or PPT formats, we are afraid that it won’t be possible to set these values in output files. However, there could be some methods in Aspose.Words or Aspose.Slides to change these properties. OR are you generating PDF from Word and PPT files?

Yes, Word or Powerpoint TO PDF :slight_smile:


In such case, we will be replying you from Aspose.Words and Aspose.Slides perspective soon.

@AStelzner Aspose.Words takes values of the mentioned fields from the original document. Could you please attach your source document here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.