found another issue, the text were moved to to 1 line, which shoudld be splitted to 2 line and 2 cells:
image.png (14.6 KB)
sample file:
616267 transit 2024-4-15.pdf (82.5 KB)
found another issue, the text were moved to to 1 line, which shoudld be splitted to 2 line and 2 cells:
image.png (14.6 KB)
sample file:
616267 transit 2024-4-15.pdf (82.5 KB)
We are afraid that we are not able to understand the issue clearly. Can you please explain by sharing respective output file and screenshot. Looks like you have shared the screenshot from a different file.
It’s on page 2
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57292
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