After converting pdf is showing proper in local but after deployment some text not showing proper


I am checking this issue.

There is one more issue I am facing. It is reg. font issue. I have used the below code to get all the fonts in excel page. After converting pdf is showing proper in local but after deployment some text not showing proper. I have faced this issue earlier. That time some one provided the xml font file.
This time I have copied font file ( (199.5 KB)
co.ttc) from windows and place in sever in below location.
/usr/share/fonts/truetype location. Earlier I have placed msgothic.xml, msgothic.ttc , mspgothic.xml in that location. Do I need xml file for font. If yes, where can i get font files.
com.aspose.cells.Font[] fnts = workbook.getFonts();


Thanks for using Aspose APIs.

We will look into this issue and help you asap.


I have checked your Excel file and it needs these fonts

  1. Calibri
  2. Arial
  3. Calibri Light
  4. Century
  5. MS 明朝
  6. Times New Roman
  7. MS Pゴシック
  8. MS P明朝

You should collect these fonts and place them in some folder/directory and then you should set the font folder like this


//Here second parameter true means search sub-folders as well
FontConfigs.setFontFolder(yourFontsDirectory, true); 

You should place the above code in the beginning of the program before the creation of Workbook object. It should then fix your issue.

For more help in this regard, please see this documentation article