After inserting aspose words into visio, display Aspose Words for NET

After inserting aspose words into visio, display Aspose Words for NET
Here is my code:

Document doc=new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder=new DocumentBuilder (doc);
Shape shape=builder.insertOleObject ("D:\\dbbg\\Dahejia.vsdx", "Visio.Drawing.15", false, false, null); ("D:\\dbbg\\textPoiTl_ole_out.docx");

I hope to display the content of the visio file after insertion.

@junping_huang This is an expected behavior. You pass null as OLE object presentation, so Aspose.Words uses default image. To show preview of Visio object you should render it to image and pass this image as OLE object presentation into insertOleObject method. Unfortunately, rendering of Visio objects is out of Aspose.Words scope. You can use Aspose.Diagram to render Visio objects: