After saving the doc with default font, I still receive some text in a different font

using latest Aspose for .Net (24.2) c# .Net 8.0:
in my code I read a PDF doc, remove some embedded fonts, change the default font and save the PDF.

the code is:

Document doc = new Document(path, loadOptions);

foreach (Page page in doc.Pages)
if (page.Resources.Fonts != null)
foreach (Font pageFont in page.Resources.Fonts)
if (pageFont.IsEmbedded)
pageFont.IsEmbedded = false;

foreach (XForm form in page.Resources.Forms)
    if (form?.Resources?.Fonts != null)
        foreach (Font formFont in form.Resources.Fonts)
            if (formFont.IsEmbedded)
               formFont.IsEmbedded = false;


SaveOptions so = new PdfSaveOptions()
DefaultFontName = “Arial”,
doc.Save(destinationPath, so);

however, when I try to open the PDf I receive an error from Acrobat Reader saying:
Cannot find or create the font ‘TimesNewRoman’

and some characters are garbled in the doc.

when I analyzed the resulting doc in:

the original PDF has the following fonts:
image.png (8.4 KB)

the resulting PDf has:
image.png (8.6 KB)

so, instead of using Ariel to replace the embedded ArielNarrow, the doc is still using TimesNewRoman.

here is the document I was processing:
FICC Strategy US Auction Preview (89.7 KB)

[internal ref NCP-4313]


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