In v7.3, I am receiving an exception “Wrong format of GS1 Code128 input string” or “Wrong format of GS1 DataMatrix input string” for the following AI’s. Examples below should be in the correct format but are being rejected as wrong format. The specifications are from “GS1 General Specifications Version 15 (issue 2), Jan 2015” document, Section 3 (
AI 16 - Specification says N6 and YYMMDD, with the DD accepting 00 as a day
AI 34xx, 35xx, 36xx - Specification says N6, or 1-6 numbers. All AI’s in these ranges are affected, 189 in total)
AI 7005 - Specification says X…12, or 1-12 characters
AI 7006 - Specification says N6 and YYMMDD
AI 7007 - Specification says N6…12 and YYMMDDYYMMDD, with the second YYMMDD optional but if provided must be greater than first date
AI 7008 - Specification says X…3
AI 7009 - Specification says N…10
AI 7010 - Specification says X…2
AI 713 - Specification says X…20
AI 8010 - Specification says X…30
AI 8011 - Specification says N…12
AI 8110 - Specification says X.70. The exception actually says “Incorrect lenght for AI 8110. Expected lenght is 1…30, but was 70”.
Hi Tony,
Can you please also share your complete code to reproduce the issue?
Best Regards,
Sure. Also want to point out the misspelling of “lenght” instead of “length” in the error message.
BarCodeBuilder b = new BarCodeBuilder("(01)10013670000376(16)151000"); // Or any of the above values
b.AutoSize = true;
b.SymbologyType = Symbology.GS1Code128; // Or GS1DataMatrix
b.CodeTextFont = new Font(“OCR B Std”, 8.0f);
b.GraphicsUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
b.xDimension = 0.495f;
b.BarHeight = 12.7f;
b.CodeTextSpace = 0.5f;
b.Resolution = new Resolution(1200.0f, 1200.0f, ResolutionMode.Customized);
Hi Tony,
The issues have been logged for GS1Code128 and GS1DataMatrix as BARCODENET-34294 and BARCODENET-34295 respectively. We will keep you updated on these issues in this thread.
Best Regards,
May I have an update on this issue please? It’s been just about a month.
Hi Tony,
The issues have not been resolved yet. ETA request has been forwarded to our product team. You will be updated in this thread as soon as the ETA is available.
Best Regards,
Requesting an ETA again please.
Hi Tony,
These issues have been fixed and we have just released the latest version. You can download the latest release from
Best Regards,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-34295;BARCODENET-34294) have been fixed in this update.
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