All Aspose.PDF demos are rendering a blank PDF

All of the demo's for Aspose.PDF are rendering a blank PDF page. Our company still uses Acrobat 5.0, and we have to assume our clients might not have the most recent version either. Is the version of Acrobat we are using the problem, or is something else going on? I'm on a Windows XP SP 2 machine. I searched for "pdf not rendering", etc, but nothing useful came up in the results. Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.



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I don't think that there is anything to do with the version. Yes there might be some things that old version won't support but the basic will remain the same. I have checked with version 6 of Adobe Acrobat and I am unable to reproduce any error. I will check it on version 5 and will let you know.


Hi, Thank you for your response.

The demo's seem to be working fine today, so thank you for tweaking them if you did.
