Alternates to Deprecated APIs in latest version


You have marked following APIs deprecated in latest version. What are their alternatives?

  1. MailMessageLoadOptions
  2. MailMessageInterpretor
  3. MailMessageInterpretorFactory

Hi Robert,

Please use the following alternatives to these deprecated APIs.

  1. Use the EmlLoadOptions and MsgLoadOptions as replacement of MailMessageLoadOptions:

EmlLoadOptions emlLoadOptions = new EmlLoadOptions();

MsgLoadOptions msgLoadOptions = new MsgLoadOptions();

emlLoadOptions.PreserveTnefAttachments = true;

2/3. This refers to the newly introduced method of converting MSG to EML as shown in the following code sample.

MapiMessage msg = new MapiMessage(
"; [](",
“Test Subject”,
“This is a body of message.”);
MailConversionOptions options = new MailConversionOptions();
options.ConvertAsTnef = (true);
MailMessage mail = msg.ToMailMessage(options);