You have marked following APIs deprecated in latest version. What are their alternatives?
- MailMessageLoadOptions
- MailMessageInterpretor
- MailMessageInterpretorFactory
Hi Robert,
Please use the following alternatives to these deprecated APIs.
EmlLoadOptions emlLoadOptions = new EmlLoadOptions();
MsgLoadOptions msgLoadOptions = new MsgLoadOptions();
emlLoadOptions.PreserveTnefAttachments = true;
2/3. This refers to the newly introduced method of converting MSG to EML as shown in the following code sample.
MapiMessage msg = new MapiMessage(
"recipient1@test.com; [recipient2@test.com](mailto:recipient2@test.com)",
“Test Subject”,
“This is a body of message.”);
MailConversionOptions options = new MailConversionOptions();
options.ConvertAsTnef = (true);
MailMessage mail = msg.ToMailMessage(options);