Annotation decoration not applied when importing xfdf


I am trying to import XFDF using PDFAnnotationEditor#importAnnotationsFromXfdf. The xfdf file contains one freetext annotation decorated with bold, italic, underline, strike through. However, after saving as pdf file and opening pdf file with chrome or acrobat reader, the decorations disappear.

Maybe there’s something wrong with our XFDF?
I attached the xfdf file I am trying to import.

Kind regards,
hiraki (764 バイト)

Please check the attached output PDF that we generated in our environment using 24.3 version.
output.24.3.pdf (78.3 KB)

Please share the screenshot if you find any issues in it.


Thank you. However, your output should have bold, italic, underline and strike through but it doesn’t.
Are they not supported?
output-in-chrome.png (47.5 KB)
output-in-acrobat-reader.png (74.0 KB)

Kind regards,

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Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-43769

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