Apose Word - Linq merge engine throws "character '<' is unexpected" exception when tags are within <>

Hi Team,

We have one template in which some tags are within <> i.e. <AgreementEndDate>.
And the Aspose tag is formed like
<<<[ds.Render("Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c/apts_agreement_contract_end_date", "M/d/yy", null, "{\"Locale\":\"en-US\",\"Precision\":0.0,\"UseSymbolForFormatting\":\"None\",\"ControlId\":\"702591715\"}")]>>>
and while doing merge operation with Linq Reporting Engine, it is throwing exception "character '<' is unexpected.

Please let us know how can we proceed with tags within <>.

@RajmalConga The problem occurs becasue there is an extra < in your template. It looks like this:


But should looks like this


If the problem still exists, please attach a sample template and data source that will allow us to reproduce the problem.