I have a table with a row which contains StructuredDocumentTags. I have to add a new row, which I deepClone(true)
from the lastRow. The result looks good: a new row. I iterate over the new StructuredDocumentTags and change the title and tag.
In the second step I iterate over all StructuredDocumentTags - for these of MarkupLevel.CELL I removeAllChildren(...)
add a Paragraph and a Run with the needed value. In my debug-Log everything works as expected, I see .
BUT! In the Word application, all rows show only the text of the first (i.e. cloned) SDT! If I repeatedly add new rows, the whole table only shows the values from the first row. Why?
If I inspect the cloned StructuredDocumentTag-Controls in Word, they have the changed titles and tags. Which is correct. Only the shown text is wrong!
When I save the document as a PDF, not as a DOCX … it looks correct as expected!?! Only in the word file it’s wrong.
What’s wrong with the cloned StructuredDocumentTags? The IDs of them where distinct, I didn’t see any explanation for this display.
Please help me Thanks!