
Here are a little information about error we expreienced:

JDK 6.0_27 version
Jboss 5.0.1
Aspose.Cells version :

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000003094fd1, pid=3260, tid=7744
# JRE version: 6.0_27-b07
# Java VM: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (20.2-b06 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# J com.aspose.cells.b.p.E()Ljava/util/List;
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

What could be the reason? Could it be special column chart???
Thank you for help. Becaues, JBoss after this error not working at all and we need to restart our application server.

Actualy, we create multiple formates ( aspose words, html, power point, we are using Aspose.Total product )


Please try the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for Java v7.0.1.5 and also download and use the additional libraries required by it:

<a href="">Additional Java Libraries For V7.0.0 and Later</a><br><br>Above is a minor verison, you can also use the major version which includes all the required libraries too. <a href="">Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.1</a><br><br>We have also logged your issue in our database, so that development team could investigate it and provide you some help.<br><br>This issue has been logged as  <span id="ctl00_Main_lblIssueKey" style="font-size:Medium;font-weight:bold;">CELLSJAVA-31231</span>.<br>


Thank you for quick respose.
There is any other solution for our current version? (for Cells 7 we will be need to change API.)
So, it is not a quick solution. ( and we don’t know if that resolves the problem )


Yes, I have added this issue in our database, once we get some update relating to it, we will let you know.

Please try the most recent 2.5 versions. Please download: Aspose.Cells for Java v2.5.4.20

And also make sure, you are using all the required additional java libraries needed by 2.5 versions.

You can also download these additional libraries separately from the given link.


I’have just checked with version. Same problem. :((
Going to install Aspose.Cells 7


Can you please show us your code or relevant section of code, probably, we could see what’s going wrong with you? Since, I have logged this issue, then development team will also give some update regarding it.

But are you also using all the required additional java libraries needed by 2.5 versions in your classpath?

Can you please also log the complete exception or stack trace? Are you using some source xls/xlsx file which is causing the problem?