Applying foreground color to entire row

Hi, is there any way to apply the foreground color to an entire row? My code looks like this:

cells(6, 0).Style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid

cells(6, 0).Style.ForegroundColor = Color.Silver

I would like this foreground color on all of row 6 and I tried this but it doesn't work:

cells.Rows(6).Style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid

cells.Rows(6).Style.ForegroundColor = Color.Silver



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Well, when ever you want to apply formattings to a row/column, you may use StyleFlag struct with Row.ApplyStyle() method. Following is the adjusted code which will work fine:

Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()

Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)

Dim cells As Cells = worksheet.Cells

Dim stl As Style

Dim flag As StyleFlag = New StyleFlag()

flag.CellShading = True

stl = cells.Rows(6).Style

stl.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid

stl.ForegroundColor = Color.Silver



Thank you.

Thanks so much for your help!