We haev an application where we create assessments for students. Each assessment for a student has multiple pages that get combined into one PDF using Aspose Word. Is there a way to include a staple command at the start of each student’s assessment? I saw there is an Aspose Staple class but I couldn’t find any examples. Is this a possibility? I have documentation on the printer and it sounds like a if the document is created as a postscript file, a staple commend can be inserted (below).
%%BeginFeature: *PageSize Letter
<</PageSize [612 792] /ImagingBBox null /Policies <</PageSize 2>>
/DefferredMediaSelection false>> setpagedevice
*StapleType StapleOff <</Staple 0 >> systemdict /setpagedevice get exec
*StapleType StapleON
Can this be done and do you have an example?