Dear support,
I’m using the Aspose.Diagram for .NET version 24.8.0
I noticed an issue with an incorrectly placed arrow head when exporting a Visio page to a svg-file.
The arrow head is placed ‘horizontally’ in the svg-file, see the attached picture ‘ArrowHead.png’ (the corresponding arrow head is marked with a red rectangle).
I also have added the picture how the arrow head is positioned in Visio, see the attached picture ‘ArrowHead in Visio.png’ (the corresponding arrow head is marked with a red rectangle).
Could you have a look on this issue, please?
I have added the corresponding in vsd the zipfile ‘ArchiMate Model’.
ArrowHead.png (105.3 KB)
ArrowHead in Visio.png (35.6 KB)
ArchiMate Model (690.8 KB)
With kind regards,
Thierry Knijff