Arrow Shape problem


We’ve identified an issue with the attached “invalid arrow shape.xlsx” file - when opening it through Aspose.Cells and then saving it back, it produces an invalid excel object. When trying to open the object in Excel, after recovery the error displayed is: “Removed Part: /xl/drawings/drawing1.xml part.” and the arrow shape is removed.

Thank you,
Mihai Andrei


Please download and try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.5.3.1.

I have tested using your template file with it, it works fine and the output file opens fine into MS Excel 2007, 2010. Here is my sample code.

Sample code:

string path = @"e:\test2\invalid+arrow+shape.xlsx";
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(path);
workbook.Save(path + ".out1.xlsx");

Thank you.