Could you please tell me, am I allowed to highligh portion somehow in Aspose.Diagrams? I figured out that it’s possible to change shape’s background color using shape.TextBlock.TextBkgnd property. But this will “highlight” all the text inside a shape. Is there a way to highlight a part of the text? Would be perfect if you could suggest a way to highlight each char.
You may please try the following code sample in API documentation to modify the text style and let us know in case your requirements are not met. Please also share a source and expected output diagram files with us. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
Unfortunately, when I was trying to create expected output diagram, I realized that there is no such functional in Microsoft Visio. Visio allows me to change background colour only for the whole text inside a shape. That’s why I haven’t found this opportunity in Aspose.Diagram library. Sorry for anxiety.
It is good to know that you have been able to sort out the scenario. Please keep using our API and let us know in case you need further information.