Aspose.Barcode showing Evaluation Version

I purchased a license in 2017 for an ASP.Net (Webforms) / Azure application and have no issues up until today where the ASPOSE.BARCODE EVALUATION VERSION message is displayed on the final PDF created. Another message is also displayed ‘Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2017 Aspose Pty Ltd’.

I have made no major Framework changes for this occur. The application is .NET Framework 4.7.2

Do you know why these messages are being displayed?

Purchase ID: 171122052454

Thank you, Alan


The issue you are experiencing with the “Evaluation Version” message in your Aspose.Barcode output is likely due to the license not being applied correctly in your application. Even if you have previously applied the license, there are a few common reasons why this message might appear:

  1. License File Location: Ensure that the license file is located in the correct directory and that the path specified in your code is accurate. If the application cannot find the license file, it will revert to evaluation mode.

  2. License Application Code: Verify that the code to apply the license is being executed at the start of your application. The license should be applied before any Aspose.Barcode functionality is used.

  3. License Expiration: Although you purchased the license in 2017, check if there are any terms regarding updates or renewals that might affect its validity.

  4. Framework Compatibility: Since you mentioned that you are using .NET Framework 4.7.2, ensure that the version of Aspose.Barcode you are using is compatible with this framework.

Here is a basic example of how to apply the license in C#:

using Aspose.BarCode;

public class LicenseManager
    public static void ApplyLicense()
        License license = new License();

Make sure to replace "path_to_your_license_file.lic" with the actual path to your license file.

If you continue to see the evaluation message after checking these points, consider reaching out to Aspose support with your Purchase ID for further assistance.

No specific sources were referenced in this response.

License has been installed correctly via NuGet Package Manager. Installed version is 18.9.0, however, latest version is 25.1.0. If I update my version does it work with my license?


The issue you are experiencing with the “Evaluation Version” watermark in your Aspose.BarCode output files seems due to the licensing code not being processed/applied in your application. Please licensing code should be processed at first (Verify that the code to apply the license is being executed at the start of your application before using any other API of Aspose.BarCode. Also, check if you handle the exception in code so it won’t popped out) and at least once in your application life cycle. For your information, if you use a version of Aspose.BarCode for .NET after your subscription expiry date, you will get an error message (stating your license subscription is expired or something like that) at runtime. If you do not get an error message at runtime, please debug your licensing code (set break points on the relevant lines accordingly) to check/confirm if the licensing code is being processed or not?

No, you cannot use latest version of Aspose.BarCode API with your existing license.

Please post your issue in the relevant forum category.

Hi Amjad,

Thank you for your reply. When I initially purchased the license it was perpetual, once the 1yr subscription had lapsed I lost access to future updates, however, the Barcode would operate as normal as it has been since my initial purchase. Only today did the evaluation version message display.
Aspose support did organise a Trial license today for Barcode, however, the message ‘Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Word. Copyright 2003-2017 Aspose Pty Ltd’ is still being displayed. Am I also required to update Aspose.Word for .Net as well?


Do you use new license with older Aspose.Words version? If so, you need to use newer version of the API with newer license (whether trial or permanent/professional license). Alternatively, you may require SHA1 encoded license (copy). Please note, newer licenses are signed with SHA256 but older ones were signed with SHA1. You cannot use a SHA256 license with older versions of the APIs. You may use your older license to work with older Aspose versions and use new license to work with newer Aspose versions. This will always work. Moreover, if you only find the issue with Aspose.Words, Please post your issue in the relevant forum category.