Aspose Barcode with GPU support

Hi, I’m building a system to translate barcodes from images in relation to a video recording.
The application is currently limited by the performance of Aspose.Barcode, where barcode translation takes up to 600ms, and i’m currently interested in going to multiple frames per second, to ensure a good view of a moving barcode. The hardware is rather decent, and also includes a GPU, however as far as I know, aspose barcode translation does not support GPU.

Are there any plans on bringing Aspose barcode to support GPU processing of the bar codes to achieve higher throughput?


What issue you find when using/running Aspose.BarCode API (code) for translation/detection on a system with GPU, please elaborate with details? Moreover, could you please share some sample image(s) and sample code that you are currently using to demonstrate the performance issue. We will check your issue soon.

Hi again,

we are not seeing problems on computers with GPU, but I was thinking that utilising the GPU in the barcode translation might improve performance. I do see varying speed, from 50ms to 600 depending on the circumstancec, however my average time is ~250MS and I need to get to 125-140ms as maximum.

I am merely asking the question on whether you are working on utilizing the GPU in relation to barcode translation, or would consider so. I did notice that you have an OCR.GPU package for OCR rekognition.

We did not implement even multi-threading CPU for all of barcode types. As an example QR Code is still single-threaded. We planned to do this in the future, but we do not have ETA.

Using GPU it is interesting but impossible in current time. I think we need to develop at first something like LWJGL to use GPU accelerating functions.