Aspose can't open file after roundtrip


using the latest version of Aspose.PSD 20.9.0 the file generated by the library (out.psd) given the attached input file(input.psd) can’t be open with Aspose. An
Aspose.PSD.CoreExceptions.ImageLoadException is thrown when attempting to open the file.

This is the code used and I’ve attached the input and output file in the archive (5.6 MB).

        var input = @"input.psd";
        var output = @"out.psd";

        var image = Image.Load(input);

        if (image is PsdImage psdImage)
            image.Save(output, new PsdOptions(psdImage));

            var secondImage = Image.Load(output);



I have created an issue with ID PSDNET-741 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PSDNET-741) have been fixed in this update.