Aspose Cell GridJS. Lock some cells, customize toolbar, remove logo and file name

Questions aspose cell Gridjs

1.- When loading a protected document in some cells, it can be fully edited. How can I avoid this situation?

2.- How can I customize the toolbar and menu? (add or hide elements)

3.- How can I hide or remove the file name and logo that appears in the Gridjs display? Since when configuring the showFileName option, it does not work.


See the document for your reference.

Regarding 1) and 3), we will be looking into your requirements and get back to you soon.

1.for the protected cells which can be edited, can you provide your files and the detail info of which cell range ?
3.please check the load options here

there is options:

  showToolbar:   means whether to show toolbar
  showFileName:  whether to show the filename 

and also you can use xs.setFileName(‘yourfilename’)
to set logo,you can use setHomeIcon(iconUrl,targetUrl)
for example ,the below code will set the new logo and with link to
